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2022-07-17 09:33:34演讲稿范文




  各位考官好,今天能够站在这里参加面试,有机会向各位考官请教和学习,我感到非常的荣幸。希望通过这次面试能够把自己展示给大家,我叫, 今年 21 岁 .毕业于湖南师范大学行政管理专业, 本人性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚, 工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳 . 在外地求学的四年中,我养成了坚强的性格,这种性格使我克服了学习和生活中的一些困难, 积极进取。今天来到贵公司面试经理助理一职。

  如果我 有幸 被 公司 录用的话,我想,我一定能够在工作中得到锻炼并实现自身的价值,同时,我也认识到,人和工作的关系是建立在自我认知的基础上的,我认为我有能力也有信心做好这份工作。 我认为助理 岗位是一个 要有多年办公经验,对岗位,平时工作十分熟悉的,虽然我是一名大学刚毕业的学生,自己拥有的社会经验甚少,但是我年轻,有一颗对工作执着的热情的心。

  我希望 这份工作能够实现我的社会理想和人生价值,希望大家能够认可我,给我这个机会 !



  我叫邓洪燕,是西南财经大学2012届应届毕业生,所学专业为法律硕士。基于贵公司的招聘需求,结合自己的教育背景和个人能力,与其他竞争者相比,我认为自己有以下四方面的优势:第一,是我的专业优势。我本科所学专业是汉语言文学,四年系统的文学知识的积累让我对文字比较敏感,并具有扎实的文字功底;这个优势让我在学习法律的过程中也得到了体现,于研二第一学期,我便以391的分数通过了司法考试。第二,是我的个人能力。正如各位HR在我的简历中所见,在短暂的职业生涯中,我曾协助主任安排车间300多个工人的工作任务、考勤记录;在职期间我协助主任开展5S 计划,制定车间文化。为了提高员工生产效率,我以真诚的方式与员工沟通并了解产量低的原因,在及时回馈给主任后,帮助主任制定新的奖励制度和更人性化的管理制度。第三,是我对学习、工作的态度。固然“四两拨千斤”的技巧令人敬佩,但我认为平时的充分准备是制胜的法宝。我是一个做事非常细腻、严谨的人,对此我有一些亲身体会。我以前所在的公司是一个大型印刷公司,由于前一道工序负责人的错误,把来货订单中的50万册写成了5万册,到我们最后这一道程序时,我的及时发现和弥补才保证了公司准时交货,维护了公司的利益和信誉。第四,是我的性格优势。我是一个活泼开朗、心态健康乐观的女孩,具有较好的协调能力和抗压能力。我想一个企业在立足长远发展的同时,除了应当具备先进的管理理念和优秀的企业文化,还应当具有良好的团队合作意识。我是一个以大局为重的人,具有很好的团队合作精神。以上,就是我对自己的一个简单介绍。感谢各位老师于百忙之中的耐心倾听。谢谢!






  握好了自己,清楚自己在做什么,而且确实朝着自己的计划在前进,所以我就取得了成绩。做工作,我 是以乐于奉献的思想做为基础,没有太患得患失,而且我还敢于承担有难度的工作,不断挑战自己的能力,这样不但使我的工作出色的得以完成,而且还使能力得到了长足的提高。

  还有我觉得今天我能站在这里,要感谢我们××××学院,是她给予了我这么好一个环境让我可以尽情发挥;还要感谢各位领导和老师们,是你们对我的关心和教导使我在前进的道路中看清了方向,加快了步伐;还要感谢所有同学,有了你们 4 年来的理解和支持,才让我可以不遗余力的朝前发展。衷心的感谢你们!

  我们是当代的大学生,承前启后,继往开来,是未来社会的生力军,是推动社会生产力发展和先进文化发展的中坚力量。党和人民对我们寄予无限希望,祖国的未来靠我们去创造。努力实践三个代表 的重要思想,刻苦学习科学文化,发展创新科学技术,这是时代赋予我们的神圣使命和历史责任,我们有权利也有义务去承担起这份责任。最后和大家分享一句话,我们共勉:青春啊,永远是美好的,可是真正的青春,只属于这些永远力争上游的人,永远忘我劳动的人,永远谦虚的人。



  I was fortunate to 200 * years in September admitted to the University of ad specialty XX. From 200 * to 200 *, from East Campus to Dushu Lake Campus. In the Soviet four years, brought me a lot of heritage and memory. Four years passed away, when they graduate, should be for the life of four years in the Ivory Tower to learn to do an interview self-introduction.

  In four years, I quite seriously in learning, performance is also better, every year the school received a scholarship in the class have been able to maintain in the top five. Particularly in the specialized courses concerned, as far as possible to learn good use. Actively participate in various advertising competitions, and won the National College Advertising Art Competition Third Prize of Jiangsu Division. Both peacetime operations, or papers, or exams, can seriously hope the best. If you would like to say that four years in learning what the greatest regret is that English, formerly in high school I've had a nice English, but into the university, I slack on the English language, and not spend too much time to learn , resulting in the test to graduate have not been 6.

  In social practice, I think my experience was very abundant. 200 * in the second half, I have to do internship in an advertising agency planning work, although the beginning of what will not, very hard, very tired, but when I as a Fan Meeting planners and executors of the stage and flowers after child communication band, when I write advertising effectiveness measurement companies Ina ceramic gain customer acceptance of the report, when I see their planned ceremony, opening ceremony of the successful implementation of the time, when I designed the LOGO when used by businesses When I work independently in the scene when the road show, I was happy. With my own efforts to complete a task. Internship in advertising, I learned a lot of things can not go to school books, contact with clients across industries, while also working in the printing industry, media, service organizations and other rituals have a certain understanding for the future able to adapt quickly to lay the foundation for work.

  Prior to this, McDonald's, I also worked part-time, bitter, tired, but that time has given me a lot of fun. Learn a lot. I begun to taste the hardships of life and make money easily. McDonald's as a world-class enterprises, it has a strict standard of staff training system and working mechanism. Work at McDonald's, on the one hand I learned such a big company product promotion, teamwork, customer service, quality assurance and so should learn the rules and regulations and successful experiences, on the other hand, deal with all kinds of customers, but also enhance the my ability to communicate with others, in addition, work has worked hard my hard-working spirit.

  In addition, in terms of ideology, I also actively move closer to the party, on the one hand, to strengthen its own ideological and moral construction, to arm themselves ideologically; on the other hand, in the spirit of serving the people, adhere to help others, serve the community members of the strict demands on themselves. Finally the beginning of the glorious junior joined the Chinese Communist Party, and successfully turned positive after one year.

  Four years in college, I know a lot of friends, they gave me a lot of help, let me learn a lot, this is college, in addition to expertise outside of an additional valuable asset.

  In short, four years of school life, whether professional or social knowledge about, or people skills, have learned a lot I can say that four years of my life the most significant period of time, my ideal life and the pursuit of life during this period to determine their own career planning for a new life also have a new goal. I will continue to work closer to success!

  Thank you!



  My name is xxxx is my English name,which is also the name of my ’m a recommended student from CCFLS,in which I have studied for six the time I stayed there,I’ve learned a lot from the teachers who I must thank school in my life is my witnessed me born in a happy was treated as the apple of my family members’ eyes since ,perseverance,conscientiouness,the urge for improvement are the characters my family gives ,but for their support,I would not be this thanks to my love them all. I’m an optimistic,energetic,outgoing,active,humorous girl with any amount of hobbies,such as listening to music and writing my deserves to be introduced is my blog on sina,which takes me a lot of ’s without much gaudy decorations,but many articles which are really worth website address is prensence and guidance are requested.

  Unlike many other girls,I’m quite good at ,skating,basketball,volleyball,badminton,table tennis and etc. are my spite of my height,I have a good jumping to this,I’m the captain of the female basketball team and the principal member of the female volleyball team in our addition,I’m fond of playing ’ve got a silver medal when I was a ,I’m a very versatile and clarinet are my all get the ninth ,I’m a good organizer and leader in the school organized many English speech contest,also took a part in it and ranked among the ,I directed an English play called“the sound of music”,which is a gorgeous success,so that every audience spoke highly of ’m very proud of that.

  To conclude,I’m sure I won’t let you hope that you can give me a chance to study in Xiamen University,which is the shrine in my mind, and I’ll give you much glory in return.

  That’s you for your attention.